Your gift is a lifeline for children like Sofía 

Create brighter futures for Mercy Home's children with a gift today. 

Your gift is a lifeline for children like Sofía

Create brighter futures for Mercy Home's children with a gift today.

Thank you for your Christmas wish to our kids!

Please also consider sharing a gift, to help brighten the season for our kids and show them they are truly loved. Thank you.

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Your monthly donation goes further!

Your monthly donation will sustain our program year-round!

Many companies sponsor matching gift programs that increase the impact of your gift. See if your company will match your donation! Search your employer's name.

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Your support will make a profound difference in the lives of kids like Sofía.

Before coming to Mercy Home, Sofía lost her father in a tragic work accident. She felt overwhelmed by grief and was struggling both at home and at school. Sofía’s emotions would erupt in unpredictable ways, and soon she was on the verge of being kicked out of school. Sofía felt lost and alone.

But today she's found a sense of peace, thanks to the safety and stability of our Home. Therapy has helped Sofía deal with her grief and rebuild her relationship with her mom. Our academic resources have helped her catch up in school. For the first time, Sofía feels hopeful when thinking of the future. 

Since 1887, Mercy Home has been a beacon of hope for kids in crisis. We've helped tens of thousands of young people in Chicago recover from the trauma of abuse, neglect, and neighborhood violence, so they can grow and thrive. Be part of our children's success by making a generous gift today. Thank you!

Create brighter futures for Mercy Home's boys and girls.

Your support of Mercy Home is more critical than ever before.

When you make a gift to Mercy Home, you will ensure that our children's basic needs will be met. You'll also provide therapy, tutoring, and other critical support to help them overcome the trauma of their pasts and be prepared to succeed in school.

Mercy Home provides compassionate, ongoing support to at-risk youth.

Safety in the storm

So many young people face serious, sometimes life-threatening adversity. Abuse. Neglect. Insecure homes and struggling schools. Growing up surrounded by violence, poverty, and lack of opportunity, young people like these need a safe harbor.


Here’s how you can support the well-being of the children who are entrusted to our care. There are many ways to make a valuable contribution.


Make a lasting impact by sustaining our work all year. Any amount you choose supports the growth and success of at-risk youth.


Memorial gifts are a thoughtful and meaningful way to honor a loved one. Or you can make a tribute to celebrate a loved one's success. All while making a difference for young people.


Leave a legacy to Mercy Home in your will. We offer gift planning services that go beyond community care, and benefit you and your loved ones.

Mercy Home By the Numbers

100% of our programming is funded by donors like you, and we’re committed to being accountable for every dollar spent.



What does the data tell us about our programming? It works.


If you are a child in need or to refer a child, please call toll-free


To make a donation,
please call toll-free


For all other inquiries,
please call


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