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Before coming to Mercy Home, Aniyah lost her mother in a tragic car accident. When her father was discharged from the hospital, he became addicted to his prescription pain medication, and Aniyah feared that she'd lose him, too.

But today she's found a sense of peace, thanks to the safety and stability of our Home and the academic resources she needs to catch up in school. Her father is receiving care for his addiction and the two of them are dealing with their loss in family therapy.

Aniyah is finally able to focus on school now - she's looking forward to her classes and afterschool club activities in the new year.

Your generosity helps kids like Aniyah overcome their trauma and discover their true potential. Thanks to caring friends like you, Aniyah and her father are healing their relationship and looking forward to a brighter future as a loving family.

Since 1887, Mercy Home has been a solution for kids in crisis. We've helped tens of thousands of young people in Chicago recover from the trauma of abuse, neglect, and neighborhood violence, so they can grow and thrive. Be part of our children's success by making a generous gift today. Thank you!

Friends like you can change the lives of countless kids this summer. 

You can help our boys and girls experience the wonders of being in nature and the great outdoors. 

Our young men and women at Mercy Home have experienced difficult situations of abuse, neglect, poverty, and violence. When they arrive at our door, they're looking for love, stability, and support.

Throughout the year, our kids are busy focusing on their education—working hard in school and building skills that will help them be successful in their future careers.

But during summer break, they have an opportunity to escape the city and enjoy the tranquility of the outdoors. Many of our children have not had the chance to leave the city before. They are looking forward to creating friendships and enjoying the peace of nature.

Since 1887, supporters like you have helped Mercy Home for Boys & Girls give kids hope.

Your support helps provide the healing experience of nature.

Camp isn't a vacation—it's a chance for our boys and girls to learn about the strength and hope that God has blessed all children with, even those who have experienced trauma in their pasts.

You can help provide our kids with the healing experience of nature, opportunities to form lasting friendships and learn new things about themselves.

Safety in the storm

So many young people face serious, sometimes life-threatening adversity. Abuse. Neglect. Insecure homes and struggling schools. Growing up surrounded by violence, poverty, and lack of opportunity, young people like these need a safe harbor.


Here’s how you can support the well-being of the children who are entrusted to our care. There are many ways to make a valuable contribution.


Make a lasting impact by sustaining our work all year. Any amount you choose supports the growth and success of at-risk youth.


Memorial gifts are a thoughtful and meaningful way to honor a loved one. Or you can make a tribute to celebrate a loved one's success. All while making a difference for young people.


Leave a legacy to Mercy Home in your will. We offer gift planning services that go beyond community care, and benefit you and your loved ones.

Mercy Home By the Numbers

100% of our programming is funded by donors like you, and we’re committed to being accountable for every dollar spent.



What does the data tell us about our programming? It works.


If you are a child in need or to refer a child, please call toll-free


To make a donation,
please call toll-free


For all other inquiries,
please call


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